Immaculate Heart of Mary's Hermitage
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Welcome and God Bless You!
I am Brother Michael Anthony, Erem., a Roman Catholic Hermit following
the Carthusian Spiritual life as introduced by Saint Bruno. An Eremitic Monk with Public Vows consecrated as a member
of the Militia Immaculata, a Knight at the Foot of the Cross and associated with the Fraternity of the Hermits
of Saint Bruno. I pray that this site may help in some little way for you to come closer to Christ.
I would like to welcome you to The Immaculate
Heart of Mary's Hermitage, Florida, USA. I acknowledge God's presence in our lives and God's call to grow in Jesus Christ,
commit ourselves to strengthen, promote and extend a community of Justice, Faith, Love and Peace. At present I live
this mission by being a Eremitic Monk whose path is CONTEMPLATION: by the strength of the spirit, to live as
continually as possible in the light of the love of God for us, made manifest in Christ.

The fruits of contemplation are: liberty, peace, and joy
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