Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All: Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world.
your journey has been long. You fall again, beneath your cross. You know your journey is coming to an end. You struggle and
struggle. You get up and keep going.
As a child, sometimes I fail time and time again. I find it hard to get along
with my sisters and brothers, sometimes I'm not honest, sometimes I'm lazy. I'm tempted to stop trying. It's just too hard
As an adult, I often feel I should have conquered my weaknesses by now. I become discouraged when I'm confronted
by the same problems over and over again. Sometimes I get weary. When I have health problems, I can become discouraged and
Help me think of the cross you carried. Help me continue to hope that I can make the changes in my life
I need to. You didn't give up. I can have the strength to get up again as well.
My Jesus, by all the bitter woes Thou
didst endure when for the third time the heavy cross bowed Thee to the earth, never, I beseech Thee, let me fall again into
sin. Ah, my Jesus, rather let me die than ever offend Thee again.
Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....
- Jesus Christ Crucified. All - Have mercy on Us. Leader - May the souls of the faithful departed, throught the mercy
of God, Rest in Peace. All - Amen.
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